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Updated: Aug 27, 2024

Self-taught in jewelry, it's possible!

In the fascinating world of jewelry, each piece tells a unique story. Today, I'm going to share mine with you, the story of a jewelry designer determined to turn her passion into her own business...

From abroad to the workshop!

Hi everyone and welcome to the very first article of Zoë Trop Belle blog!

I 'm Stephanie, the designer behind Zoë Trop Belle brand!

My journey began when I left France more than 25 years ago, to explore the world, enrich myself with new cultures and find inspiration to express my creativity, and live fully from my passion....

Well, that's what I tell myself today, because originally I just left to improve my English! But hey, that's less of a dream, LOL!

In short... my journey took me from England to the Netherlands, via the United States, with varied professional experiences (not as fun as jewelry designer, so I'll pass), before devoting myself SERIOUSLY to jewelry making.

Becoming a jewelry designer isn't always smooth sailing!

Without formal training, I took the path of self-taught learning to master the techniques necessary for creating jewelry. From assembling to weaving, including metalworking techniques in jewelry through YouTube tutorials, books, jewelry making workshops, to finally embark on different online jewelry courses (Objectifs Bijoux, Apprendre la Bijouterie, and The London Jewellery School). My ultimate goal is to create my jewelry from A to Z in order to offer my customers ethical, sustainable and mostly, unique pieces!

My journey as a jewelry designer really started when I arrived in the United States. Some would say I achieved the American Dream !

This new start in the United States has been an invaluable source of inspiration. Living in a new environment, discovering a new culture and meeting people from different backgrounds have been key elements that have shaped my vision of jewelry creation and the desire to share my " Made in France " creativity!

I must admit that the Americans helped me get out of my comfort zone, often polluted by this famous imposter syndrome , especially when you have had a French education!

Thanks to the American mind-set and their positive attitude, Zoë Trop Belle will become successful!

My journey has not been smooth, with personal and professional challenges, followed by my return to Europe, The Netherlands. And there, it's the culture shock, a new step to overcome (indeed, going from the American 'politically correct' to the Dutch 'relentlessly direct', that requires a hell of a lot to adapt!).

I also encountered obstacles as an expat (the reality of being an expat is not always as idyllic as people make it sound), but I was able to overcome these challenges and adapt my strategy to grow in what I had chosen as my new professional activity.

Well established, I found myself facing new challenges once again during the pandemic! I didn't give up... and created my small business in the Netherlands!

It is clear that without formal training in jewelry, each creation becomes a constant exploration, a search for perfection, while being confronted with uncertainty. Not to mention people who perceive your activity as a hobby and not a profession, yes, without a diploma, we are less trustworthy for some!

Self-learning requires patience, boldness and innovation, but also the courage to face your fears and the negativity of toxic people, not to mention running a small business, from sales to marketing and accounting, all of which are additional complexities to the world of a designer. Sound familiar ?

Today, Zoë Trop Belle is celebrating her 10th anniversary, a journey marked by ups and downs, moments of doubt that were swept away by moments of well-deserved satisfaction and pride.

Despite the challenges, the passion for the art of creating jewelry and the independence of being your own boss are inexhaustible sources of inspiration. Each piece created becomes a personal triumph, a reminder that perseverance and creativity can turn dreams into reality, while adding a touch of authenticity to each creation.

A zest of perseverance, a hint of curiosity and a pinch of motivation, and your dream becomes reality!

My story is a reminder that creativity has no limits, that artistic expression is accessible to everyone, provided they are determined and willing to learn, and that passion and willpower can turn dreams into reality.

I encourage you to follow your passion, whatever it may be, without ever being ashamed of learning on your own, but rather to be proud of it.

Be resilient, persevere, and most importantly, believe in yourself. Seize this opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

Life is too short to let others discourage you, so go ahead, learn and create!


Thank you for taking the time to read this first article.

If you have any questions, comments, or topics you would like to see covered in this blog, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below.

See you soon for new stories!


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